They were all crammed into a room, he said, some 500 people, no blankets, one meal a day, and interrogated, asked why they were attending these protests and then at the end of those two days -- two nights and three days, basically deposited at the gates of the compound, phones seized, money seized, just left with an I.D. card.So we're following Discount Tiffany Keys cases to try to understand what exactly is the sincerity of this government that is claiming suddenly in a span of two weeks, transparency and add to extrajudicial detentions and the types of activities they have been carrying out, as Christopher Dickey said, for decades.COOPER: And, Christopher, since Mubarak has been in power, he's operated under emergency rule.
Essentially anybody can be arrested at any time, taken off the streets, taken out of their homes and they have been.What is the just -- is there -- what is the justification the government still makes Discount Tiffany Money Clips having emergency rule?DICKEY: Well, that there might be terrorists out there, and there have been and were crushed, for instance, in the 1990s. There was a serious attempt to overthrow the government led by Ayman al-Zawahri, who of course is the number two in al Qaeda now.So, there has been dangers in the past. And I think there were times when the Egyptian Discount Tiffany Necklaces were interested in seeing any measures used to suppress those threats. But, in fact, those dangers have not existed in any serious levels for some time and, most importantly, this law has been used against political opposition of any sort for a very long time.
And what you just heard from Ivan is a description of what is being done to people who really are peaceful protesters, using this emergency law and using the ideas and the philosophy that have been permeating this government for -- for 30 years, that they can do anything to anybody in order to keep the state safe.COOPER: Christopher Dickey, I appreciate you being on. We Discount Tiffany Notes to follow you on The Daily Beast and also with "Newsweek."And, Ivan, stick around. We will talk to you a little bit later on in the program.Let us know what you think, the live chat up and running at next, American reaction to the claim that Egypt isn't ready for democracy. We will talk to Fouad Ajami, along with David Gergen and Jill Dougherty.
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